Gerbil Show Standards

These are colours and varieties for which a show standard and name have been accepted. Some changes were made at the AGM on 17 January 2004 which have been incorporated.

Basic Standard

The following are the standards of excellence for each colour as defined by the society:

Points are awarded as follows Type – 20 Condition – 20 Colour – 20 Size – 15 Fur – 10 Ears – 5 Eyes – 5 Tail and Tuft – 5 Total = 100

Penalty points are to be deducted as follows:

Disease or intractability – DISQUALIFICATION

Sores, scabs, or wounds – DISQUALIFICATION

Missing fur – 10 points max

Excess fat – 10 points max

Moulting – 10 points max

Dirty or stained fur – 10 points max

Dirty Show pen – 5 points max

All varieties will conform to the following:

Type: The body shall be moderately firm and plump (not fat). The head shall be short and broad and well set into the body.

Condition: The Gerbil shall be very alert at all times and easily handled.

Colour: The colour shall match the standard for that variety as set out below.

Fur: The fur shall have a healthy sheen and shall not be moulting.

Size: The gerbil shall be as large as possible with the tail the same length as the body when fully adult. The length of the tail shall be judged in relation to the age of the gerbil. The female size, which is smaller than that of the male will be taken into account in mixed classes.

Eyes: The eyes shall be bright, widely set, and large but not bulging.

Ears: The ears shall be fairly small, not too rounded and carried erect.

Tail: The tail shall be well set-on, free from kinks and ending with a brush like tuft.


Pink Eyed White

The hair shall be pure white down to the skin with no shading or markings. Eyes: Shall be a clear pink colour, large and bright. Ears: Shall be flesh coloured and covered in a white hair. Feet: Toenails shall be neutral in colour. Whiskers Shall be white long and bristling. Faults: Hair of any other colour in the coat or furnishings. Toenails not of the correct colour, pale eye circle, broken or missing whiskers, broken or kinked tail.

Ruby Eyed White

The hair shall be pure white down to the skin with no shading or markings. Eyes: Shall be ruby large and bright. Ears: Shall be flesh coloured and covered in a white hair. Feet: Toenails should be neutral in colour. Whiskers: Shall be white, long and bristling. Faults: Hair of any other colour in the coat or furnishings, toenails not of the right colour, pale eye circles, broken or missing whiskers, broken or kinked tail.


The hair shall be jet black down to the skin and of an even colour over the body. Eyes: Shall be black, large and bright. Ears: Shall be covered in short fine black hair. Feet: Toenails shall be black. Whiskers: Shall be jet black, long and bristling. Faults: Hair of any other colour in the coat or furnishings, pale eye circles, Toenails not of the correct colour, broken or kinked tail.


The hair shall be a dark slate blue down to the skin and of an even colour all over the body. Eyes: Shall be black large and bright. Ears: Shall be covered in fine blue slate hair. Feet: Toenails shall be dark in colour. Whiskers: Shall be slate blue to match the body colour, long and bristling. Faults: Hair of any other colour in the coat or furnishings. Toenails not of the correct colour. Pale eye circles. Broken or missing whiskers, broken or kinked tail.


The hair shall be a leaden grey down to skin and of an even colour all over the body. Eyes: Shall be ruby, large and bright. Ears: Shall be covered with short fine grey hair. Feet: Toenails shall be neutral in colour. Whiskers Shall be grey to match the body colour, long and bristling. Faults: Hair of any other colour in the coat or furnishings. Toenails not of the correct colour. Pale eye circles, broken or missing whiskers, broken or kinked tail.


The hair shall be a soft dove grey colour, as light as possible with out losing the ruby eye. Eyes: Shall be ruby, large and bright. Ears: Shall be covered with fine short soft grey hair. Feet: Toenails shall be neutral in colour. Whiskers: Shall be light grey to match the body colour, long and bristling. Faults: Hair of any other colour in the coat or furnishings. Toenails not of the correct colour. Pale eye circles. Broken or missing whiskers. Broken or kinked tail.


White Bellied

White Bellied Agouti Golden

Generally referred to as the Golden Agouti as there is not yet a variety without a white belly. The top colour shall be a soft golden red, evenly covered with black ticking over the back and sides and carried down to a dark grey at the roots. The belly fur shall be as white as possible. There must be a clear line of demarcation between the golden top colour, with no intermingling of the colours or tendency for either colour to cut into the other. The width of the white underbelly to be approximately half that of the ticked upper coat. A line of unticked golden hairs shall run right along the demarcation line and extend down the outside of the legs. Eyes: Shall be jet black and encircled with distinctive grey hair. Ears Shall be covered with short fine light grey hair bordered with a soft golden red and free from ticking. Feet: Toenails shall be black in colour. Tail: The top side of the tail only shall be the same as the body, ticked with black and showing a ridge of longer black hairs beginning mid-way between the tip and the root and ending in an almost black tuft. Whiskers: Shall be both black and white, long and bristling. Faults: White toenails, broken or missing whiskers, broken or kinked tail.

White Bellied Grey Agouti

Generally referred to as the Grey Agouti. The top colour shall be a pure white evenly covered with black ticking over the back and sides and carried down to a dark grey at the roots. The belly shall be as white as possible. There must be a clear line of demarcation between the top colour and white belly with no intermingling of the two colours or tendency for either colour to run into each other. The width of the white belly to shall be approximately half that of the upper ticked coat. Eyes: Shall be jet black and encircled with distinctive white hairs. Ears: Shall be covered with short fine grey/white hair. Feet: Toenails shall be neutral in colour. Tail: The top side only shall be the same as the body ticked with black and showing a ridge of longer black hairs beginning mid-way between the tip and the root and ending in an almost black tuft. Whiskers: Shall be both black and white, long and bristling. Faults: White toenails, broken or missing whiskers. Broken or kinked tail. Any signs of golden or yellow in the coat.

Argente Golden

A clear golden colour, not tending to brassiness or reddishness, without ticking or shading. There must be a clear line of demarcation between the golden top colour and the white belly colour with no intermingling of the two colours, or tendency for either colour to cut into the other. The width of the white under belly to be approximately half that of the upper golden coat and just visible when the animal is viewed in profile. The undercoat shall be a blue-grey throughout. Eyes: Shall be ruby, large and bright. Ears: Shall be covered with short soft fine golden hair. Feet: Toenails shall be neutral in colour. The foot shall be white. Tail: Shall be golden throughout its length to match the colour of the upper body. A ridge of longer white hairs shall run along the upper surface of the tail, beginning mid-way between the tip and the root and forming a tuft at the tip. Whiskers:Shall be white, long and bristling. Faults: Hair of any other colour in the coat or furnishings. Toenails not of the correct colour. Broken or missing whiskers, broken or kinked tail. Ticking.

Argente cream

The coat shall be a light apricot colour with a silvery cast throughout. There should be no tendency to golden or yellow. There must be a clear line of demarcation between the cream top colour and the white belly colour with no intermingling of the two colours or tendency for either colour to cut into the other. The width of the white underbelly to be approximately half that of the upper cream coat and just visible when the animal is viewed in profile. Cream hairs shall run down the outside of the legs. The undercoat shall be blue-grey throughout. Eyes: Shall be ruby large and bright. Ears: Shall be covered with short fine cream hair. Feet: Toenails shall be neutral in colour. The foot shall be white. Tail: Shall be cream throughout its length to match the colour of the upper body. A ridge of longer white hairs shall run along the upper surface of the tail beginning midway between the tip and root and forming a tuft at the tip. Whiskers: Shall be white, long and bristling. Faults: Hair of any other colour in the coat or furnishings. Toenails not of the correct colour. Broken or missing whiskers, broken or kinked tail. Ticking.

Dark Eyed Honey

A deep orange colour shading from the spine to the belly which should be white. There must not be a clear demarcation between the orange top colour and the white belly colour. The shading should extend to the head with the forehead being darker and the colour reducing towards the eyes, ears and chin. There should be dark ticking running along the spine, across the rump and along the tail. Allowance should be given to younger animals who may not have fully developed ticking. The undercoat shall be white. Eyes: Shall be dark, large and bright. They should be surrounded by clear circles of lighter colour. Ears: Shall be dark but covered with short soft fine white hair. Feet: Should be white with dark nails. Tail: Shall be orange throughout its length to match the colour of the upper body but the skin underneath shall be dark. Whiskers: Long and bristling. The top most whiskers shall be dark shading down to the lowest whiskers which shall be white. Faults: Hairs not of the correct colour. Broken or missing whiskers, broken or kinked tail.

Red Eyed Honey

A bright yellow colour shading from the spine to the belly which should be white. There must not be a clear demarcation between the yellow top colour and the belly colour. The shading should extend to the head with the forehead being darker and the colour reducing towards the eyes, ears and chin. The undercoat shall be white. Eyes: Shall be red, large and bright. They should be surrounded by clear circles of lighter colour. Ears: Shall be unpigmented and covered with short soft fine white hair. Feet: Should be white with clear nails. Tail: Shall be yellow throughout its length to match the colour of the upper body. Whiskers: Long and bristling. The top most whiskers shall be yellow shading down to the lowest whiskers which shall be white. Faults: Hairs not of the correct colour. Broken or missing whiskers, broken or kinked tail.


White Bellied Cream.

The coat colour shall be a pale cream colour even throughout. There must be a clear line of demarcation between the cream top colour and white belly colour with no intermingling of the two colour s or tendency for either colour to cut into the other. The width of the white underbelly to be approximately half that of the upper cream coat and just visible when the animal is viewed in profile. Cream hairs shall run down the outside of the legs. The undercoat shall be white throughout. Eyes: Shall be ruby, large and bright. Ears: Shall be covered with soft fine white hair. Feet: Toenails shall be neutral in colour. Tail: Shall be cream throughout its length to match the colour of the upper body. Whiskers: Shall be white, long and bristling. Faults: Hair of any other colour in the coat or furnishings. Toenails not of the correct colour. Broken or missing whiskers, broken or kinked tail. Ticking.

Any Other Variety


The hair shall be a pure white down to the skin throughout the body with the exception of point areas. The points can be any of the recognised standard colouring Eyes: Shall be pink, large and bright. Ears: Shall be covered with short, fine hair of point colouring. Feet: Toenails shall be neutral in colour. The feet shall be of point colouring. Tail: Shall be of point colouring throughout. Whiskers: Shall be white, long and bristling. Faults: Hair of any other colour intermingling. Toenails not of the correct colour. Broken or missing whiskers, broken or kinked tail.


The Coat shall be a rich beige without moult lines or light patches. The Points (Tail, feet, ears and nose) to be Dark Sepia (as near to black as possible) or Chocolate. All feet to match other points to the first leg joint. Toenails and whiskers to match the point colour. Eyes black. Nose point to shade out over face with ears distinctly coloured, light eye circles blended in shading. Ears to tail hair roots will be slightly darker colour shading without any sudden change of colour down to a pale cream belly. The ideal animal will be distinctively marked with a fetching contrast of colours. Faults: Light feet, white hairs in any of the points. White bib under chin.


Eye black. Points as for Siamese. The coat will be rich mauve shading from the spine down to dark cream under the belly. The shading should be gradual and pleasantly blended away from all points, except the ears, which will contrast with shading. The shading will be darker towards the ends of the animal. At no point will the coat colour suddenly change. Faults: White hairs in coat, no shading, white bib under chin, light points.


The fur of the back should be a deep gold down to the roots with a strong, even, black ticking. The colour will fade towards the sides of the animal to produce a ticked dark cream belly. There shall be a dark ventral line. The overall effect shall be much darker than Golden Agouti with no evidence of a white belly. Eyes: Shall be jet black and surrounded with lighter hairs. Ears: Shall be dark but covered with short fine golden hair. Feet: Toenails shall be black in colour. The feet should be the same colour as the belly. Nose: The nose shall appear darker than the rest of the body. Tail: The tail shall be the same as the body but darker. The hairs of the tuft shall be gold with a minimum of ticking. Whiskers: Shall be golden, long and bristling. Faults: White toenails, broken or missing whiskers, broken or kinked tail.

Silver Nutmeg

The fur of the back should be white down to the roots with a strong, even, black ticking. The colour will fade towards the sides of the animal to produce a ticked light grey belly. There shall be a dark ventral line. The overall effect shall be lighter than a Grey Agouti with no evidence of a white belly. Eyes: Shall be jet black and surrounded with lighter hairs. Ears: Shall be lightly pigmented but covered with short fine white hair. Feet: Toenails shall be brown in colour. The feet should be the same colour as the belly. Nose: The nose shall appear darker than the rest of the body. Tail: The tail shall be the same as the body but darker. The hairs of the tuft shall be white with a minimum of ticking. Whiskers: Shall be white, long and bristling. Faults: White or black toenails, broken or missing whiskers, broken or kinked tail.


The fur should be a deep rich gold down to the roots. The colour will fade towards the sides of the animal to produce a dark cream belly. There shall be no white belly. Eyes should be red and surrounded with lighter hairs. Ears shall be covered with short fine golden hair. Feet- toenails shall be pink in colour. The feet should be the same colour as the belly. Tail shall be the same colour as the body.. The hairs of the tuft shall be gold. Whiskers shall be golden, long and bristling. Faults white toenails, broken or missing whiskers, broken or kinked tail.

Black Eyed White

The hair shall be pure white down to the skin with no shading or markings. Eyes: Shall be black, large and bright. Ears: Shall be as light as possible and covered in a white hair. Feet: Toenails shall be neutral in colour. Whiskers shall be white long and bristling. Faults: Hair of any other colour in the coat or furnishings. oenails not of the correct colour, broken or missing whiskers, broken or kinked tail.

White Spot

The background colour shall correspond to that laid down to unspotted variety. The White Spot pattern is as follows: A nose spot A forehead spot A spot on the nape of the neck All spots must be centrally spaced. Spots must be as round as possible, large, even in size and not contain hairs of any other colour. Essential also are a tuft of white hairs in the tail tip. Four white feet. Toenails shall be neutral in colour. All other points shall be the same as for the standard colour applicable.


Coat colour may be any standard colour broken by patches of white forming a pleasing pattern. There must be a clear collar of white all the way round the neck. Up to 50% of the gerbil can be white and the patches do not need to have clear edges. Eyes: Shall be black or ruby to correspond, large and bright. Ears: Shall be covered with short, soft fine hair of the standard colouring. Feet: Toenails shall be neutral in colour. Tail: Shall be of the standard colouring. Whiskers: Shall be standard colouring, long and bristling. Faults: Hair of any other colour in the patches or body colour. Toenails not of the correct colour. Broken or missing whiskers, broken or kinked tail.

Provisional Standards


The overall appearance of the animal should be a silver grey with pleasantly shaded points. The top coat should be a pure white evenly covered with grey ticking, this is carried down to a dark grey at the roots. There will be increased ticking on the nose and the rump which should be evenly blended in the coat to make the points appear shaded. The belly should be white and there should be a clear line of demarcation between the top colour and the belly with no intermingling of the colours. The width of the white belly should be approx half that of the upper coat. The eyes should be dark, appearing almost black. The ears should be a dark grey covered with fine white hairs. The feet should be white with brown nails. The tail should be darker than the animal with white hair heavily ticked with black and grey hairs, the underside of the tail should have no ticking present. The whiskers should be white and dark grey. Faults: any light cinnamon/orange hair in the coat or tail.


Coat colour may be any standard colour broken by patches of white forming a pleasing pattern. A collar is not required. Up to 75% of the gerbil can be white and the patches do not need to have clear edges. Darker patches of the base colour, forming a mottled pattern, are allowed. Eyes: Shall be black or ruby to correspond, large and bright. Ears: Shall be covered with short, soft fine hair of the standard colouring. Feet: Toenails shall be neutral in colour. Tail: Shall be of the standard colouring. Whiskers: Shall be standard colouring, long and bristling. Faults: Hair of any other colour in the patches or body colour. Toenails not of the correct colour. Broken or missing whiskers, broken or kinked tail.


The overall colour shall be a dark bluish grey, similar to old pewter. The hair, shall be dark bluish grey down to the skin and of an even colour all over the body. Eyes: Shall be black large and bright. Ears: Shall be covered in fine blue slate hair. Feet: Toenails shall be dark in colour. Whiskers: Shall be bluish grey to match the body colour, long and bristling. Faults: Hair of any other colour in the coat or furnishings. Toenails not of the correct colour. Pale eye circles. Broken or missing whiskers, broken or kinked tail.